
Launched in 2012 at the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach, “Celebrate ECO-Heroism” was a 12-week after-school pilot program. Elementary students developed media literacy and environmental awareness by watching award-winning films, learning digital filmmaking techniques, interviewing local environmental stewards, and creating artworks that celebrated eco-heroism. The curriculum for this model program is available online, and can be modified for use in the classroom or after-school programs.

With support from a grant from the Puffin Foundation and The Massen Greene Foundation, MY HERO created a DVD and companion guide to provide inspiring short films about environmental heroes and resources to launch an eco-heroism program in schools and after-school programs. The DVDs were distributed to teachers at the PEN Conference, The iEARN International Conference in Qatar and the 2013 ISTE conference. They are freely available upon request.

The ECO-Heroism DVD can be used as a companion to the ECO-Heroism Guide PDF or independently. Short films are a fantastic way to start a lesson and stimulate activities and/or action projects. Beginning a class by viewing an inspiring short film is a great way to focus the group and introduce environmental heroes to a larger audience. We are thankful to the Puffin Foundation for making it possible for us to produce numerous copies of this educational DVD for distribution to teachers around the world.

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